With over 15,000 square feet of versatile event space, The Dalmar offers an unmatched Fort Lauderdale setting for meetings, weddings, and special events. Accommodating up to 300 guests, our visually stunning venues include the Garden, a picturesque tropical space for outdoor events and ceremonies, and the Pool Deck, a breezy backdrop for cocktail receptions and corporate events.
Dalmar Event Spaces
Fifth Floor
The Dalmar Event Spaces feature more than 9,000 square feet of stunning, flexible indoor space designed for 10 to 300 guests. The main Dalmar Ballroom divides into three event rooms, perfect for weddings and banquets as well as midweek corporate meetings.
Event Space Dimension SQ. FT. Ceiling Classroom Conference Crescent U-Shape Hallow
SquareTheater Banquet Dinner
DanceReception The Dalmar Ballroom 45'x76' 3,420 15' 142 58 198 98 58 380 285 250 342 Dalmar 1 24'x30' 720 15' 30 17 42 21 17 80 60 48 72 Dalmar 2 21'x30' 630 15' 26 15 36 18 15 70 50 36 63 Dalmar 3 45'x46' 2,070 15' 86 58 120 58 50 225 172 154 207 -
Pre-event spaces
Fourth & Fifth Floors
Adjacent to the Dalmar Ballroom, our two pre-event spaces are the ideal areas for guests to gather before your festivities begin. Choose from a tastefully decorated pre-event room as well as a beautiful outdoor terrace.
Take a Tour of Fourth Floor Terrace
Take a Tour of Ballroom Terrace
Room Name Dimensions SQ. FT. Ceiling Reception Ballroom Pre-Function 22'x45' 990 15' 100 Ballroom Outdoor Terrace 750 15' 75 -
Dunlin, Brant, Ibis & Lapland
Fourth Floor
The Dunlin, Brant, Ibis
and Lapland rooms are perfect for meetings and other corporate gatherings. Take advantage of the latest in technology, on-site audio-visual servicesand premium culinary options. These versatile spaces can be configured to meet you event needs:- Dunlin + Brant
- Brant + Ibis
- Ibis + Brant + Lapland
Take a Tour of Lapland Boardroom
Take a Tour of Dublin, Brant, and Ibis
Event Space Dimension SQ. FT. Ceiling Classroom Conference Crescent U-Shape Hallow
SquareTheater Banquet Dinner
DanceReception Dunlin 45'x22' 990 10' 40 24 54 28 24 110 80 60 100 Brant 45'x30' 1,350 10' 56 24 78 39 32 150 110 80 135 Ibis 45'x30' 1,350 10' 56 24 78 39 32 150 110 80 135 Dunlin + Brant 45'x52' 2,340 10' 96 36 84 45 60 250 180 140 240 Brant + Ibis 45'x60' 2,700 10' 112 64 108 45 60 300 220 200 300 Dunlin + Brant + Ibis 45'x82' 3,960 10' 154 64 168 89 100 400 280 210 370 Lapland 45'x16' 720 10' 16 Outdoor Terrace700 60 40 70